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"A mind that is stretched to a new idea never returns to it's original dimension"
(Oliver W. Holmes)
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Management Liberal arts Philosophy Our discourses
Business consulting Logistics consulting Strategy consulting Interim management Change management ERP solutions

We have an attitude and passion for perfection in everything we do. This has a huge impact on the services we deliver. These services not only include the ones mentioned here, in fact we are able and willing to provide any service that involves more or less knowledge related to management and society.

We are very reliable, have good communication skills and are always reachable by phone or mail. We have among others an excellent expertise in the following functional areas:

Besides these services, we are able to deliver about each service that has to do with broad knowledge and experience in the fields of management and organization. Just feel free to contact us!

Wilvon Organization and Development offers next generation consulting services. By this we mean that we have a good understanding of the most recent developments in management and organizing. This together with our drive for excellence and our passion makes us a  very suitable partner for about any organization. Because, exactly this is what separates a good consultant from a bad consultant. Passion and the drive for excellence. And, of course, a good consultant should be knowledgeable about the subject he or she is consulting in. That does make a difference.

Regarding the difference, something more is told about this word on our site when discussing Jacques Derrida. Some of the different point of views in our company can be understood by reading other parts of our website. But the best is, to experience it! We are really very different in many respects and can also make a huge difference for your company. A very succesful one also. By means of our deep understanding and experience with organizations.

Unfortunately, a lot of our competitors have spoiled the market for us. By offering services without the passion and drive for excellence. We at Wilvon are also different in that respect. Also this could best be experienced. We are sure we can also offer interesting information and services for you and your organization!



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